It’s no secret that during our house parties, young people tend to indulge in immoral games—Devil’s basket and Truth or dare are a few in a sea of many sexual games folks love to explore. There’s even one where when you don’t answer, you’ll take two items of clothing off your body.

Remove sexual intentions in a game and house parties are nothing but just a gathering of bored people trying to make the other laugh or feel comfortable. But this would only be true if the only intentions for attending a house party were for purely sexual reasons.

Without much further ado, here are four games to try at your next house party be it at yours or a friends’:

1. Card games:

As boring as this might sound, card games are still trendy and it’s worth gluing you to your seat. Playing in a group or picking teams of two and playing against other teams is a whole different way of approaching fun in a group.

Now to top it off, try adding a prize money in each of the rounds. Have people compete against each other for possibly $10 each round and watch as you bring out the competitive sides of your friends.

They would play for rounds just so that each of them could either get a share of the $10 or one person gets to go home with everything.

Pexels/@Cleyton Eweton

2. Crosswords, Word searches and puzzles with set timers:

Group your friends into teams of four and have them play crossword games under a certain timer. At the end of the game, the winning team would take either a gift home or some cash. But it would be nice if it’s highly noted that putting money on the line is heavily advised. If the players have to win money, they would be more interested to play.

Pexels/@Polina Kovaleva

3. Karaoke:

Karaoke is the be all and end all of house parties. What’s a house party without having a karaoke? Where people get to sing? Oh and to make this even a lot better, have your friends try their best impersonations of singers and you are sure to get your ass laughing so hard.

Pexels/@Astrid Sosa

Closing Thoughts:

These are four ways to not only have fun but to respect the other’s privacy. As much as truth or dare has dominated a lot of the games we play, it’s still a wise choice to try and keep things minimal and respectful so settling for these games will go a long way to do that.