Incase you didn’t know, well now you do.

In the early eighties, ‘Hookup’ meant meeting with a friend or someone and catching up on old times. In recent years, that word has evolved to mean ‘casual sex’.

Living in a sexually liberated generation, this act has been thrown around carelessly with more people engaging in it daily. It has gotten to heights where a deep research has been done and it’s been concluded that this degrading act only favors men.

Men have benefitted from the promiscuity of women for centuries because how else would they achieve their sexual desires if one or two women weren’t willing to let it all out for them.

Let’s get straight into how this repulsive culture benefits men.

1. Increased sexual opportunities:

As long as it’s just sex, a man is down to hit even an aged woman. The hookup culture only creates an avenue for men to pile up more bodycounts than normal. They can go through twenty women in just one week thanks to this.

How does this affect women?

Asides those that do it just for the fun, women tend to bond easily. Studies have shown that during sex, a woman releases oxytocin which is a bonding hormone. She can get hurt when her emotional needs aren’t met which in this case could be a commitment.

2. Reduced social stigma:

What this means is that society doesn’t condemn a man for having so many body counts but thesame can’t be said for women. When argued, they bring up the ‘many keys and one door’ analogy. The analogy goes like this, “If a door is being opened by many keys, it becomes a useless door but if a key opens many doors, it’s a master key.’

The key here refers to a ‘man’ while the door is a ‘woman’. Replace these names in the analogy and you’ll see the clearer picture.

If you pay close attention, asides from social media, men are praised for having sex. A man could have been abused as a child and his friends would laugh about it and say “Didn’t you enjoy it?” Whereas for women, they are shamed for trying to be sexually liberated. God forbid a woman decides to explore her sex life, she would be tagged a whore if she so as little as proclaimed that she’s having fun.

How does this affect women?

They are tagged ‘run through’, ‘whore’, ‘have been used by different men’ and other different types of names. The sad truth is as much as men are the reason for the demand in prostitution and hookup, none would want to see a person close to them engage in such activity.

Despite shifts towards equality, women often still face societal judgment or stigma for participating in casual sex, more so than men, which can impact their self-esteem and mental health.

3. Exploration and Experimentation:

Men explore a lot, they brag about it at parties. If you have a hard time believing ask your brothers or better still a male figure in your life. Ask how much they discuss about women and watch them open up.

One thing men love to explore is Sex. They don’t mind walking under the rain from work at eleven in the night just to have sex with a girl they barely talk to. They don’t mind driving four hours to a different location just to get laid, they also don’t mind flying across time zones to see a cutie that they have never met before in their entire lives.

What does this mean? That men would do anything and everything to get laid. It’s after all a free meal being served on a platter of gold. Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free? Why enter a relationship when you can keep getting laid. Hooking up gives them that free access that society has tried to deny them.

They get to explore their sexuality, try new styles and also invent new ones that are not even in Kamasutra. They happily host orgy parties, engage in threesomes and go through with hooking up because as long as it’s being offered to them, why not?

How does this affect women?

There comes the feeling of being used and rejected. Like stated earlier, as long as the girls are all in for the hookup, they barely get to loose. Hookup comes with it’s own disadvantages which revolves around STDS.

Recently, a research has stated that Gonorrhea has gotten resistant to most antibiotics in the market, this means that as much as there is a high demand for hookup and promiscuity, STDS also tend to accompany such demands.

4. Avoidance of Commitment:

Commitment is a big thing for men. Before a man decides to commit, he has weighed all his odds and chances, pros and cons but you know what gives him a free pass? It starts with a letter ‘H’ and ends with a ‘P’.

For men who prefer non-monogamous relationships and have fear of commitment, the hookup culture gives them a space to thrive. As long as they’re not getting their emotions all mixed up then they’re good. They get to engage in sexual interactions without the pressure of a label, title or better still getting committed. It’s all fun and games to them.

How does this affect women?

Some women may find the emotional aftermath of hookups challenging, especially if they were seeking a deeper connection or if there’s a mismatch in emotional investment between the two parties.

Closing Thoughts

The environments that often facilitate hookups, like parties or bars, can also be settings where boundaries are not respected, leading to higher risks of non-consensual encounters. Women may feel objectified within hookup culture, treated as a means for sexual satisfaction rather than as individuals with their own desires and needs.