
Hello Reen,

I never thought I’d be the girl who betrayed the person she loved most, but here I am, drowning in a sea of my own mistakes. Kenneth and I had been together since high school. He was my first everything—first love, first kiss, first heartbreak. We had been through so much together that I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Our plans seemed so clear: we’d finish high school, go to college, and eventually start a life together. At least, that’s what I thought.

Kenneth was always there for me. When my mom fell ill and the hospital bills started piling up, he stepped in without hesitation. Even though he was working a low-paying job, he did everything he could to help. I remember the late nights he spent repairing tech gadgets, using his skills to make a little extra money. He even used that money to help pay for my school fees. Kenneth’s dedication and selflessness were unwavering, and I loved him more for it.

But everything changed during my freshman year at university. Away from home for the first time, the freedom was intoxicating. New faces, new experiences—it felt like a whole new world. That’s when I met James. He was charming, confident, and made me feel things I hadn’t felt in a long time. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I had crossed a line I could never uncross. I cheated on Kenneth with James, and the guilt consumed me.

When I found out I was pregnant, my world shattered. Panic, fear, and regret washed over me in waves. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Kenneth, of destroying everything we had built together. In a moment of sheer desperation, I made the worst decision of my life: I told Kenneth the baby was his. He was overjoyed, and seeing his happiness broke my heart even more. How could I live with this lie?

The months that followed were a blur of morning sickness, doctor’s appointments, and overwhelming guilt. Kenneth was so supportive, always there for me, always believing in us. Every time he talked about our future, about the baby, I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. I was living a lie, and it was eating me alive.

James, on the other hand, had no idea. Our relationship had been nothing more than a fling to him, and I hadn’t told him about the pregnancy. The thought of confronting him, of unraveling the mess I had created, was too much to bear.

As my due date approached, the weight of my secret became unbearable. I saw the love in Kenneth’s eyes, the hope and excitement, and I knew I couldn’t keep lying to him. He deserved the truth, no matter how much it hurt. But every time I tried to muster the courage to tell him, the words caught in my throat. I couldn’t bear to see his heart break.

Kenneth’s kindness never wavered. He continued to take care of me, making sure I had everything I needed. He even picked up extra shifts and side jobs to save money for our future. Watching him go to such lengths for us, knowing the truth, was excruciating.

I hope that one day I’ll find the strength to come clean, to tell Kenneth the truth about what happened. He deserves to know, and I owe it to him to be honest. But for now, I’m trapped in this web of deceit, hoping against hope that I can find a way to make things right.

I love Kenneth more than anything, and it’s that love that makes this all so unbearable. Every day, I wake up with the weight of my guilt pressing down on me, knowing that I have to face the consequences of my actions someday. Until then, all I can do is hope for forgiveness and pray that one day, I can earn back the trust I’ve shattered.

But how? There’s a baby involved now and it isn’t even his.

By By Reen